Convert Microsoft to LINUX: Cost Comparison

Software Cost for a personal desktop system:

Microsoft Platform Price Linux Platform Price
Windows XP Operating System$150 Linux Operating System Zero
Microsoft Office$300 Open OfficeZero
Adobe Photoshop$700 Gimp Zero
Anti Virus Software$30 No Viruses in Linux Zero
Quicken $60 GnuCash Zero
Total Cost$1210 Total CostZero

Software Cost for an office or organization:

Microsoft Platform Price Linux Platform Price
Primary Domain Controller $1500 Samba Server on Linux Zero
Backup Domain Controller $1500 Samba Server on Linux Zero
Microsoft 2003 Server for sharing Files and Printers $1000 NFS and or Samba Server on Linux Zero
Commercial Strength Microsoft Web Server$1000 Commercial Linux Web host $10/month
Commercial Strength FTP Server$1000 Commercial Linux Web host $10/month
Commercial Strength Microsoft Exchange/Mail Server$1000 Commercial Linux Web host $10/month
Commercial Strength Microsoft SQL Database Server$1000 Commercial Linux Web host with up to 10 MySql Databases $10/month
Total Cost$8000 Total Cost $10/month

Note, my math is correct! The $10/month includes a Linux Commercial Web host which comes with a Mail Server, an FTP Server, a Web Server and 10 MySql databases!