Convert Microsoft to LINUX: Bicycle Trips Europa 2017

Bicycle Trips Europa 2017

These are some pictures from my most recent trip to Europe in the early fall of 2017. I was in Freburg im Breisgau 7 days, 4 days in Venice, 3 days in Predazzo, Italy, followed by my usual Berlin, Vlieland in Netherlands along with Brussel, London and Wetzlar, Germany. I will concentrate here on showcasing my time in Italy.

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Lastly, here is the most important part of the article to read in German: "Denn seit 1940 hatte die internationale Bank einen Amerikaner als Praesidenten, Thomas McKittrick. Ihm unterstanden Briten, Franzosen, Italiener, Hollander, Schweden, aber auch sechs deutsche Banker. Vier von ihnen waren Nazis, einer spionierte fuer SD und SS internationale Finanzkreise aus. Paul Hechler, Generaldirektor der BIZ, unterschrieb seine Briefe auf Bankpapier an den Reichsbank-Vizedirektor Puhl mit "Heil Hitler" - Parteigenossen unter sich, uber die Grenzen hinweg. Die hochbezahlten Bankherren in Basel kamen praechtig miteinander aus, waehrend die Soldaten ihrer Lannder einander an allen Fronten auserhalb der neutralen Idylle erbarmungslos abschlachteten. Der amerikanische Anwalt der BIZ war John Foster Dulles, spaeterer Ausenminister und kaltester der Kalten Krieger Washingtons. Dessen Bruder sass als amerikanischer Chefspion in Bern und pflegte auch Kontakte zur BIZ." The brief english summary is this: All these nations that were supposedly at war including America, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Sweeden, Netherlands all got along great on very good terms with another while the soldier ouside of Basel on the front lines killed each other. It is the classic thing the International Workers of the world have been saying for years. The poor kill each other and the rich watch and rake in all the money. Note, also that John Foster Dulles was the American administrator on this bank. The president of the board was also an American. You see here the cover of the Spiegel magazine article I mentioned earlier.


I will have future pics here for more travelogues in the future.