Convert Microsoft to LINUX: Bicycle Trips

Bicycle Trips

Unable to connect to the database server at this time.

"); exit(); } // Select the Linux database if (! @mysql_select_db($database_name)) { echo( "

Unable to locate the database at this time.

" ); exit(); } ?>

These are some pictures from a trip to England, Netherlands and Germany that I did in the summer of 1999.


"; print " " ; print " " ; print ""; } // free up the memory for query. mysql_free_result($SearchResult); // Done, please close the database! mysql_close(); ?>
Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "

"); exit(); } $NumberOfResults=mysql_num_rows($SearchResult); //Get the number of pages $NumberOfPages=ceil($NumberOfResults/$Limit); $SearchResult = @mysql_query( $query . " ". "LIMIT" . " " . ($page-1)*$Limit . ",$Limit") or die(mysql_error()); $Nav=""; If($page > 1) { $Nav .= "<< Prev "; } For($i = 1 ; $i <= $NumberOfPages ; $i++) { If($i == $page) { $Nav .= " $i "; }Else{ $Nav .= " $i "; } } If($page < $NumberOfPages) { $Nav .= " Next >>"; } Echo "

" . $Nav; return $SearchResult ; } // Note , $Search Result is returned from this function // It takes the query, does the paging and returns the value // $SearchResult which is a pointer to the query results to // be later displayed in the format you desire. // End of function section // ?>

If you want still more info, please read my report below.