Convert Microsoft to LINUX: Cuba El Oriente

Bike Tour 2001 (Santiago de Cuba, El Oriente, Granma, Manzanillo, Bayamo, Holguim)

Bicycle Tour with Bicycle Cuba in Winter 2001. This was actually my third tour with them. Note, you have to scroll down to see the pictures at the bottom. Some of the captions are quite long. Thank you!

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Monday 29 January: Rest day in Manzanillo. Today was a rest day for me and most of the others from our bikes (except for Walter). Unfortuneately I came down with a cold last night. This morning we walked into town. We saw a monument to 'Celia' one of the original revolutionaries of Fidel's group in the Sierra Meastra Mountains. We then walked to the beautiful main square. It has a beautiful Gazebo surrounded by nice architecture from the late 1800's. I saw an aquarium shop, a watch repair stand, and a place that sold typical one speed bikes for Cubans costing 200 pesos which represents two to three weeks wages. It's the equivalent of 10 US Dollars. I also got 12 postcards stamped and written. It's now .65 Pesos to write a postcard or 75 US Cents if you go to the big hotels, which I only did in Habana. We met a bunch of 10 year old school girls who wanted theirpicture taken. We obliged and got ourselves in the picture too.They were so cute! One in particular stared so sweetly at me. I felt like I could adopt her on the spot if it were possible. Patty gave one of the girls some 'body glitter' paint and this made that girl real happy! In the afternoon, I rested in the hotel taking care of my cold. One more boycott note. Today at the hotel store they were selling Marlboro cigarettes manufactured in the USA!


I will have future pics here for more travelogues in the future.