Convert Microsoft to LINUX: Python

There are numerous good Python tutorials on the web, please look at this one for starters:   Python Tutorial

If you already know Perl or PHP, Python is easy as it is very similar. You can create functions and even classes. Python can be totally object oriented. Once you learn the syntax differences it is not difficult. Note, that unlike PHP, Python does not have a direct interface with html code. You can not use "?PYTHON" as you would "?PHP" to embed Python code. However you can use the same CGI (Common Gateway Interface) that you use in Perl language programming.

Let us start out real simple. This is the hello_linux_python.cgi   Here is the source code: source

Here is the Fibonaci Series example which I did in Perl earlier. fibonacci_python.cgi   Here is the source code: source

And Finally for all you folks to show that Python is as good as PHP, I have taken my commands.php script and converted it to a Python script. Note, they look identical, but I have left the Python Commands printing in black and white instead of the normal yellow/green I use. To see it work click Python Command Database List Example   Here is the source code: source