Convert Microsoft to LINUX: OpenWrt Linux Router
Setting up openvpn on a Linksys WRT54G/GS Router with
Several Linksys routers come with a firmare chip that can be updated to install the latest Linux OpenWrt distribution. This is particularly
made for routers, is Debian based and includes many add on packages.
For details of installing it go
Here is a rough summary of how to do this:
- Install the latest OpenWrt which is White Russian version
Install the addon package called Webif^2. This is known as
the enhanced web interface.
You can use the web interface and it will work out of the box. This
assumes you wish to bridge the wireless and lan network. However, if you
wish to seperate them, click on the enable split from lan
under the Network | Wifi-lan item.
- In order to make this work properly, so that NAT happens on
the wireless interface you need to modify the S35firewall file in
the /etc/init.d/ directory.
You need to create a new variable WIFI defined by the following
lines. Note, the first line should already be there at the top of
the file.
LAN="$(nvram get lan_ifname)"
WIFI="$(nvram get wifi_ifname)"
You also need to add these two lines to the FORWARDING Section
at the end of the #allow sub section:
# allow
iptables -A FORWARD -i br1 -o br1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i $WIFI -o $WAN -j ACCEPT
For the full S35firewall file click
You will additionally need the corrected S41wpa file
for wireless encryption
on an isolated network. The above assumes the wireless network "br1"is isolated from the lan "br0".
You will also want to use this file S46openvpn
of the S50openvpn one that comes with the package.
If you are doing aliasing on your router, hosting virtual IP websites
use a file called
S42aliases in the /etc/init.d directory.
This is typically used with SSL on port 443.
Here is a
sample firewall file, created by using
the Webif^2 GUI interface. It resides at /etc/config/firewall
- Lastly you can install the modules for openvpn if
you desire to have this too. The only cumbersome part
here is generating all the server side certificates. You can do
this using a graphical interface called tinyca2 which is
available on Ubuntu by typing:
apt-get install tinyca2
You can then upload the certificates to the router using the
graphical interface. i.e. In a browser go to:
- Just to make sure you have everything right, here are my settings
for the nvram .
I installed these packages on the
router. Finally this is my
server.conf and
client.conf file for openvpn. Note,
the server.conf file goes on the router. The client.conf file goes on
your laptop. They both are in a directory called /etc/openvpn