Convert Microsoft to LINUX: Get Solar PV now on your Roof

See your Solar Buddies Now around the World

This is so easy if you have a Sunnyboy inverter. Go here to register at Sunny Places. Note, tell me how I can see other places around the world that do not have Sunnyboys. Apparently there are only five now (May 2017) in the Eugene/Springfield area. Once you are registered, click on the map link when you log in. Type in your local community or where your friends with solar are and you will see them.

You can get even more information if you are given a special login as user to a Solar System. In this case you would go here to Ennexos Sunny Portal

Installing the Sunnyboy Home Manager Data Browser

This section will explain how to get Solar PV on your roof. This is using the company SMA from Germany which has a local subsidiary here in Hillsboro, Oregon that makes the panels and the inverter. You can connect to the inverter via ethernet or wireless. For security, I prefer to do it thhrough the ethernet. Here is how to do it:

Turning off Wireless

Go here to do this please. Note, you need to use the Host Inverter Box address above at a Firefox prompt. You will get a warning saying this is an uncertified insecure host. Go ahead and click on make expception and save.
You can then log on and follow the instructions in the article. One last thing please. Even though you have saved the installation configuration file for the Inverter Box, you must reboot the Inverter box by turning the power off and then back on. You will also have to turn the circuit breaker off and back on. Your installer will show you how to turn things off and back on safely. Now you will no longer see the SMA... wireless login.

Getting Local WAN external on the World Wide Web

Now for the final test click on adding a new pv system after you have logged in. You will type in the appropriate PIC and RID id as it states on the manual and Sunnyboy Inverter Box. It should find your system when you click on identify. If it does not, follow this troubleshooting suggestion.

Let me know if this does not fix you please!

Solar Love!

Solar Love up on the Roof!

Even on this cloudy day with rain we still got 8 kwh!