Convert Microsoft to LINUX: Cuba El Oriente

Bike Tour 2001 (Santiago de Cuba, El Oriente, Granma, Manzanillo, Bayamo, Holguim)

Bicycle Tour with Bicycle Cuba in Winter 2001. This was actually my third tour with them. Note, you have to scroll down to see the pictures at the bottom. Some of the captions are quite long. Thank you!

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Friday 26 January: Riding to La Mula 100 Km. Today was quite a long day. We got some help riding in the truck for about 40 km. We stayed at a nice camping hotel on the beach at 'La Mula' , a tiny town. The dinner was excellent! I had 5 portions of delicious beets which others did not eat. I also ate chicken, which is not normal for me, but I need something extra to tide me over with all this heavy exercise. During my 60 km pedal we went along the water through rolling somewhat steep hills. We could see the Sierra Maestra Mountains in the background. At one point I saw cows grazing up a 45 degree hill. I am so glad to get out of the big city of Santiago de Cuba. Here the air is much better. While riding in the truck, I saw the most incredible red sunset. I saw a group of boys who picked a red fruit about 4 cm in diameter. They then turned this into a game by pitching the fruit and then the other boy hitting it with a stick, like a baseball bat. It was so creative. The chickens also loved this fruit so they had to be shoed away. Tonight after our long day I retired at 9 PM. There is a loud disco booming outside. I don't think the noise will prevent us from sleeping. I can also hear the crickets, which are so nice, and ocean waves too!


I will have future pics here for more travelogues in the future.