Victor Odlivak for EWEB AT-LARGE Commissioner Position
Please click here to see the position, I, Victor
Odlivak ran in
Eugene as a candiadate in the 2018 election. I am leaving this here to view
for historical reasons. There is much good information here useful for today.
Convert Microsoft to LINUX
Tired of being vulnerable to the latest worm/virus?
Viruses in the LINUX world are almost
- Tired of having to upgrade every year and paying license costs?
Consider converting your Microsoft Platform to
. This can save you up to 90 percent of the cost. You will
have control and if there is a bug to correct, you can see
the source code and get it corrected.
You will be able to still use the products you are familiar with.
Open Office is free and works as well as Microsoft Office. The Gimp
can replace Adobe Photoshop.
can replace Quicken.
You can have your own Primary Domain Controller,
Mail Server, Web Server, NFS Server (Printing and file
sharing) and FTP Server for free!
Lastly you can use older PC's and they will perform as well
as the latest PC running Microsoft.
Please Contact Victor in Eugene, Oregon at
email using link below:
Services Provided:
I am currently retired but will provide the services listed below
to non-profits working to better the earth and protect her. This includes
social justice humankind organizations. I currently volunteer with
Community Rights Lane County and Families for Safe Meters.
Provide laptop PC's or desktop PC's with LINUX,
Open Office and Gimp (Photoshop type software)
including Wireless or network cards,
monitor and printer with 100 percent recycled paper.
Customize or convert your current PC/MAC or PC's/MACS
to run LINUX and any desired applications.
Setup/build LINUX servers to include Linux Terminal
Server, Primary Domain Controller, Apache Webserver, Mailserver,
Firewall, Router, NFS and MYsql databases.
Training on using LINUX applications, tools and software.
Number of visitors : 241,352
Emperor Penguins in Antartica living the good life!