Convert Microsoft to LINUX: Cuba La Cuatro Vez

Bike Tour Winter 2003

Bicycle Tour led by me in Cuba in Winter 2003. This is my fourth time in Cuba leading a tour myself. I went to places I did before and also Veradero beach, Sancti Spirutus, Santo Domingo, Topo de las Callantes, Trinidad and Colon. Note, you have to scroll down to see the pictures at the bottom. Some of the captions are quite long. Thank you!

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8 January 2003: Castilda to Topo de Los Collantes (35 km) This morning I walked along the beautiful beach and saw the sun rise. There are a lot of big rocks in the water, like 'la Push', brought here last November by the hurricane. I saw vultures, and fish jumping in the clear water. I befriended 2 cyclists from Canada who were looking for a ride that day and they accompanied me almost all the way to the top of the mountain 'Topo de los Collantes' . The ride was a bit tough but certainly doable. The toughest part was the first two hours. Several times my front wheel lifted off the road due to the steepness. I then started walking the bike about 1.5 km when this happened. After 2 hours we had a relaxing lunch ( my last can of sardines) overlooking the road we climbed. 20 minutes later we came to the Mirador (lookout and restaurant). I had another little meal here and enjoyed the view of Trinidad and the peninsula where my hotel was yesterday 'Costa Sur'. We could see the road and how far we had climbed. I talked quite a bit with the 2 Canadians I befriended. We then pushed on an hour later. After 40 more minutes I was at my hotel Los Helechos (the ferns), nestled in the national Park 'Topo de los Collantes'. It is cool here about 55 degrees Farenheit. I am wearing all the clothes I bought with me including a wool hat, gortex mittens, and gortex pants. Tonight I am staying by myself as Ray, Bruce and Margaret wanted an extra day in Castilda. It feels strange to sleep in a room by myself. I should be seeing the other three later tomorrow. They will pedal up the mountain too or take the bus.


I will have future pics here for more travelogues in the future.