You can combine the PHP Bulletin Board System PHPBB and Coppermine Photo Gallery into one open
source piece of software with Dragonfly. As usual, you need the standard LAMP stack
php5, mysql (client and Server), httpd/Apache2
installed. Here is how to do it using Ubuntu. Type as root
in a terminal window:
apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-client mysql-server php-mysql
Restart Apache2 to be safe with the command:
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload
Fetch the zipped file by going
Note, your version may be newer, at the time of this writing 9.21 was the most recent version.
At the terminal prompt type:
tar -zxvf Dragonfly9.2.1.tar.gz
You will now have a directory called public_html. Now move it under /var/www where I like
to keep all the web stuff. i.e:
mv public_html/ /var/www/dragonfly
Now go to that directory with
cd /var/www/dragonfly/public_html/
Note, the above assumes, you already created a dragonfly directory under /var/www .
You are now ready to create the database that Dragonfly will use. Go to the terminal window and type:
mysql -u root -p
You will now be at a mysql> prompt.
mysql> DROP DATABASE test; [removes the test database]
mysql> DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user = ''; [Removes anonymous access]
Create a database and database user for your data. You will use this database and user name in your database connection string.
The GRANT statement actually creates a new MySQL user account.
mysql> CREATE DATABASE dragonfly_mysql;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dragonfly_mysql.* TO 'dragonfly_administrator'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'thepassword';
Now leave mysql by typing exit;
Go to where you installed Dragonfly, i.e.
cd /var/www/dragonfly/public_html and type
chmod 777 -R albums includes cache modules uploads
You are now ready to run the install, type:
http://localhost/dragonfly/public_html/install.php in your web browser.
You can then login as the Dragonfly Administrator and configure the rest of the website.
Be sure to remove the install directory and install.php when you are done.
For more details please see
here . Follow the instructions for what to do after you are done with setup.
To get started, go to here. Enjoy!